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When is Tooth Sensitivity a Dental Emergency?

August 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — studiodental @ 11:34 am
A woman with sensitive teeth eating an ice cream cone.

When it comes to interpersonal relationships, sensitivity can be a good thing. It helps you be more empathetic and understanding, and it even helps make everything from art to literature more enjoyable. But when it comes to your teeth, it isn’t always a plus. Tooth sensitivity can make enjoying hot or cold beverages downright uncomfortable, and it can even strike simply by opening your mouth.

Unfortunately, however, tooth sensitivity can be tricky. It can come and go, or it can be constant, and just because it’s either of those things doesn’t mean there’s anything to worry about. If you’re experiencing any discomfort when you consume certain foods or any other time, here’s how you can determine if that sensation is a dental emergency.
