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Treatment Tally: How Much Teeth Whitening Do I Need?

January 8, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — studiodental @ 4:50 pm
Nose-to-chin view of woman smiling with shade guide held to teeth

Many people wanting a brighter smile have turned to over-the-counter products only to end up disappointed. Commercially available options often have one-size-fits-all applicators that leave plenty of room for error. Plus, they often contain more diluted bleaching agents that don’t provide the desired results, and you might develop sensitivity if you overapply or misuse them.

Thankfully, your dentist can upgrade your grin safely with professional teeth whitening services. If you’re curious about how many sessions you’ll need to achieve your ideal shade, continue reading to learn more about it!


Why Do I Need Gum Disease Treatment Before Getting Cosmetic Dental Work Done?

December 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — studiodental @ 5:55 pm
A woman looking in the mirror at her teeth

If you have dental flaws you’d like to correct with the help of cosmetic dentistry, there’s good news! Your dentist will be happy to help you with this endeavor. But if you also currently have gum disease, this can often put your plans for cosmetic treatment on hold.

While it may not seem like a big deal to treat your gum disease before you begin any elective dental work, here’s why it’s important to make sure your dentist is working on a healthy mouth!


Get Your Youthful Smile Back: How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Erase Years from Your Age

November 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — studiodental @ 4:14 pm
older woman with a youthful smile outside

You can say age is just a number, but if you find yourself caring about how old you look, you’re far from being alone. In 2023, the anti-aging industry was valued at $47 billion worldwide, and it is estimated to nearly double that amount within the next decade. Although hair dye, anti-wrinkle creams, BOTOX, and other treatments usually rank high on people’s priority list, eventually time catches up with the telltale signs of aging.

However, a feature you may not have thought to address is one that can dramatically help you look and feel younger, even if wrinkles and white hair return. Cosmetic dentistry can keep your smile and your attitude youthful in the following ways.


Should I Go to the ER for a Dental Emergency?

October 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — studiodental @ 4:59 pm

If you are experiencing an urgent dental crisis, you may be wondering where you should go for immediate attention. Because most emergency rooms do not have a dentist on staff, the best thing you can do in most situations is to head to your emergency dentist. If you’re wondering what constitutes an urgent dental visit, here are some guidelines to follow, and when to head where.


My Face Is Swelling; Should I See My Emergency Dentist?

September 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — studiodental @ 11:41 pm
Man has oral pain

People often see their emergency dentists to have serious oral health issues addressed. While many typically think of dental emergencies as having to do with injuries such as dislodged or broken teeth, some may not realize that their emergency oral healthcare provider may be able to resolve facial swelling as well. Here’s a brief guide to what can cause facial swelling as well as how to tell if you need to see your emergency dentist or head to your local ER.


When is Tooth Sensitivity a Dental Emergency?

August 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — studiodental @ 11:34 am
A woman with sensitive teeth eating an ice cream cone.

When it comes to interpersonal relationships, sensitivity can be a good thing. It helps you be more empathetic and understanding, and it even helps make everything from art to literature more enjoyable. But when it comes to your teeth, it isn’t always a plus. Tooth sensitivity can make enjoying hot or cold beverages downright uncomfortable, and it can even strike simply by opening your mouth.

Unfortunately, however, tooth sensitivity can be tricky. It can come and go, or it can be constant, and just because it’s either of those things doesn’t mean there’s anything to worry about. If you’re experiencing any discomfort when you consume certain foods or any other time, here’s how you can determine if that sensation is a dental emergency.


How to Make Your Dentures Smell Better

July 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — studiodental @ 4:02 pm
A pair of dentures.

Do you notice an unpleasant aroma coming from your dentures? This can be not only gross, but more than a little embarrassing. If you’re struggling to figure out why your dentures smell so bad, here are a few ideas of what could be causing this problem, and what you can do to fix it.


What to Do If Your Veneer Fell Off

June 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — studiodental @ 3:22 am
person whose veneer fell off getting it fixed

Veneers are a popular cosmetic treatment due to their ability to enhance your smile by concealing chips, cracks, and stains, but they can be damaged. They require the removal of a small amount of enamel from the front surface of the teeth. If a veneer comes off and you’re unsure what to do, these four tips can safeguard your smile until you consult your dentist. They’ll help prevent further issues and manage the situation until you receive professional guidance.


Be Your Own Hero: Defending Your Teeth Against Cavities with Invisalign

May 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — studiodental @ 2:20 pm
superhero defending the city

Wouldn’t it be cool to have a shield that protects your teeth from cavities? Unfortunately, no such thing exists, but you might think that if you wear Invisalign, your teeth are defended against plaque, bacteria, and stains. Sadly, this is not the case, and wearing clear aligners can sometimes make it even easier to get cavities because you can trap food and debris behind your them if you don’t properly care for your teeth.

Here’s what you should do to prevent cavities while wearing aligners, and what you should do if you think you see decay forming!


Talking about Talking (With Invisalign)

April 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — studiodental @ 10:58 pm
Someone holding an Invisalign aligner

Invisalign has emerged as one of the most prevalent methods of straightening teeth in recent years. Not only are they effective, they’re also incredibly subtle, allowing you to get the teeth that you’ve always dreamed of without the need for bulky wires and brackets.

However, the relative novelty of this treatment means that people sometimes don’t really know what to expect from wearing their clear aligners. For example, you may wonder whether you could struggle with speaking easily after this treatment has been completed. If you’re curious, here’s what you should know about talking with your trays in.

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